Mission: Newcomer Friends of Greater Plano, NFGP, is a social organization of warm, caring women who provide a supportive environment for new and established residents of Plano, Texas and all surrounding areas, including Frisco, McKinney, Prosper, Allen, Richardson, Sachse, and more. The Club assists women in their transition by introducing them to others, fostering friendships and encouraging participation in the group's many activities.
Always consider the newest members in all we say and do.
PresidentJean Loar | 1st VP ScholarshipCharlotte Strouse | 2nd VP ProgramsChristine Drumm | 3rd VP MembershipLynn Lovell |
SecretaryTroie Burch | TreasurerLinda Danyluk | Activity ChairRita Farmer | GreeterFran Allday |
HospitalityDebbie Baldridge | NewsletterMarilyn Polizzi | Nominations ChairNancy Drexler | ParliamentarianMarilyn Polizzi |
PublicityCarol Legas | Special Events ChairValerie Anderson | Ways & MeansTamara Trummer | Web LiaisonRobin Bohbot |
Caring ThoughtsBarb Berard | After Program LunchGenevieve McCreary | HistorianDeena Hackett |